Tears for the Ocean.

When I couldn’t find my name on the portal this time, I wailed like a child, one who had been spanked over naughtiness. I thought about so many things considering the lengths I have gone, to avoid traveling. I thought about all the bad news I read on Twitter. I thought about the next thing…

A Year Later….

Sitting at my desk, trying to settle in and I see a post indicating it’s been a year since NYSC pop! Time flies really. How was service year for me? Honestly, I missed out on a lot because I had a full time job and I was schooling part time. Also, I stayed at home…

Showing up; 2022

About showing up, hmmmmm…… I haven’t written anything this year. I’m sorry. The title of this year’s review/memoir came to me towards the end of the year. To be honest, it has been a bitter-sweet year. I cried till my eyes couldn’t but everytime, I stood up and showed up. I hate to express hurt…

Gratitude: 2021

First off, the title of this was Blood And Water, then boom! No, I haven’t seen the movie and have no idea what that is about. For the newbies, this is something yearly I like to do. And this year feels like 2 years maybe due to the multiple emotions. Let’s get started!!! January; I…

A Clash Of Thoughts.

“Remember there isn’t totally a right way” Walking past a barbecue stand and seeing those foil papers sitting not pretty (I speak from the fish’s perspective) on the fire, I remembered a story of how a man killed a lot of fishes for an event by sprinkling salt on them. The narrator went in details…

Guys! I’m on a train.

Hello Everyone, Yeah, long time… I know…. So, stress took me down for a few days. Prolonged stress, emotional and financial stress. But I still got one of my faves Aseobi because we are slaying regardless. Asoebi is basically a uniform for ceremonies. I kid you not if you want to buy all the asoebi…

25 Get-To-Know-Me Q/A

Hello everyone, I feel this is the first of things so I would like to re-introduce myself… Note that these are questions from different sources. Q: Introduce yourself. My name is Fareedah Abdul, an enthusiast with a flair for health and education amongst other things. I learn nearly *everything I come across. Elder sister and…